This section summarizes some techniques to determine timing and memory allocation measures for Modia3D. The various approaches are demonstrated with models from directory Modia3D/test/Profiling
The simplest technique is to put @time
in front of the statement that should be measured, such as:
# File Modia3D/test/Profiling/BouncingSphere_time.jl
module BouncingSphereSimulation_time
@time begin BouncingSphere = Model3D(
@time bouncingSphere = @instantiateModel(...)
@time simulate!(bouncingSphere,...)
@time plot(bouncingSphere, ...)
This gives the following output:
0.000116 seconds (199 allocations: 12.344 KiB)
Instantiating model Main.BouncingSphereSimulation.BouncingSphere
1.106054 seconds (2.40 M allocations: 150.386 MiB, 3.92% gc time, 62.47% compilation time)
0.322050 seconds (579.29 k allocations: 32.774 MiB, 5.81% compilation time)
0.077613 seconds (1.74 k allocations: 97.844 KiB)
The second line
1.106054 seconds (2.40 M allocations: 150.386 MiB, 3.92% gc time, 62.47% compilation time)
means the following:
- The total time spent in this statement was 1.106054 seconds
- 62.47% of this time was used to compile Julia code.
- 3.92% of this time was used by the garbage collector, so was used to find and remove allocated memory that is no longer in use.
- There have been 2.5 million allocations of memory. In total 150.386 Mega-Bytes have been allocated.
If a @time output contains gc time and/or compilation time it might be useful to just re-run the file, in order that the total time better reflects the execution time. In a second run compilation time should no longer be present.
Modia3D must allocate memory at the beginning of a simulate!(..)
run for its internal data structure. After initialization, no memory should be allocated. However, with the @time
macro it is not possible to figure out whether this is the case. Use instead option logTiming=true
, see next section.
Function simulate!(..., logTiming=true, ...)
has keyword argument logTiming
. When set to true, the result of the @timeit
macro of the TimerOutputs package is shown. Function simulate!(..)
and Modia3D
are instrumented with this timer. Example:
# File Modia3D/test/Profiling/Mobile.jl
module MobileWithLogTiming
const enableVisualization = false
const tolerance = 1e-4
@time mobile = @instantiateModel(..., logExecution=true, ...)
@time simulate!(mobile, ...)
@time simulate!(mobile, log=true, logTiming=true, ...)
The @time
macro should be used for @instantiateModel
and simulate!
in order to get information, whether allocation of storage is due to compilation and/or garbage collection. If the second simulate!(..)
shows such allocation, the profiling run should be repeated.
should have flag logExecution=true
, in order that the generated function getDerivatives!(..)
is called twice to force compilation of this function.
The logTiming=true
flag generates the following output in this case:
Instantiating model Main.MobileWithLogTiming.Mobile
Execute getDerivatives
First executions of getDerivatives
1.363270 seconds (548.47 k allocations: 45.652 MiB, 2.47% gc time, 99.56% compilation time)
0.002773 seconds (18.82 k allocations: 1.157 MiB)
2.540190 seconds (7.17 M allocations: 264.371 MiB, 2.62% gc time, 53.43% compilation time)
... first simulation:
8.341341 seconds (37.34 M allocations: 2.236 GiB, 3.36% gc time)
... second simulation:
... Simulate model Mobile
Initialization at time = 0.0 s
Termination of Mobile at time = 5.0 s
cpuTime = 11.7 s
allocated = 2290.0 MiB
algorithm = CVODE_BDF
FloatType = Float64
interval = 0.01 s
tolerance = 0.0001 (relative tolerance)
nStates = 188
nResults = 501
nGetDerivatives = 1968 (total number of getDerivatives! calls)
nf = 1465 (number of getDerivatives! calls from integrator)
nZeroCrossings = 0 (number of getDerivatives! calls for zero crossing detection)
nJac = 6 (number of Jacobian computations)
nAcceptedSteps = 281
nRejectedSteps = 3
nErrTestFails = 3
nTimeEvents = 0
nStateEvents = 0
nRestartEvents = 0
... Timings for simulation of Mobile:
Time Allocations
────────────────────── ───────────────────────
Tot / % measured: 11.8s / 99.0% 2.24GiB / 100%
Section ncalls time %tot avg alloc %tot avg
simulate! 1 11.7s 100% 11.7s 2.24GiB 100% 2.24GiB
solve 1 11.7s 100% 11.7s 2.23GiB 100% 2.23GiB
getDerivatives! 1.97k 11.7s 100% 5.93ms 2.24GiB 100% 1.16MiB
LinearEquationsIteration 1.97k 11.6s 99.3% 5.91ms 2.22GiB 99.4% 1.16MiB
luA ldiv! 1.97k 4.65s 39.7% 2.36ms 1.68MiB 0.07% 896B
Modia3D 189k 3.56s 30.4% 18.8μs 905KiB 0.04% 4.90B
Modia3D_2 185k 2.57s 22.0% 13.9μs 5.16KiB 0.00% 0.03B
Modia3D_2 computeForcesAndResiduals 185k 638ms 5.45% 3.45μs 0.00B 0.00% 0.00B
Modia3D_2 computeKinematics! 185k 566ms 4.83% 3.06μs 0.00B 0.00% 0.00B
Modia3D_1 1.97k 50.3ms 0.43% 25.6μs 5.16KiB 0.00% 2.68B
Modia3D_1 computeKinematics! 1.97k 22.4ms 0.19% 11.4μs 0.00B 0.00% 0.00B
init! 1 9.46ms 0.08% 9.46ms 2.03MiB 0.09% 2.03MiB
Modia3D_1 computeForcesAndResiduals 1.97k 8.00ms 0.07% 4.07μs 0.00B 0.00% 0.00B
Modia3D_3 1.97k 584μs 0.00% 297ns 0.00B 0.00% 0.00B
ODEProblem 1 38.2μs 0.00% 38.2μs 2.58KiB 0.00% 2.58KiB
Modia3D_4 isTerminal 1 400ns 0.00% 400ns 0.00B 0.00% 0.00B
11.999957 seconds (37.34 M allocations: 2.237 GiB, 2.67% gc time)
The meaning of the first lines
First executions of getDerivatives
1.363270 seconds (548.47 k allocations: 45.652 MiB, 2.47% gc time, 99.56% compilation time)
0.002773 seconds (18.82 k allocations: 1.157 MiB)
2.540190 seconds (7.17 M allocations: 264.371 MiB, 2.62% gc time, 53.43% compilation time)
is the following:
1.363270 seconds
is the time for the first evaluation ofgetDerivatives!
. This time is nearly completely used for compilation of this function0.002773 seconds
is the time for the second evaluation ofgetDerivatives!
. This time is nearly irrelevant for the timing of@instantiateModel.
seconds is the total time spent in@instantiateModel
, including the two calls ofgetDerivatives!
. This time, together with (1.) shows the following:0.47*2.5 = 1.1
seconds are used to process the model, generategetDerivatives!
and processgetDerivatives!
twice.0.53*2.5 = 1.32
seconds are used to compilegetDerivatives!
The meaning of column Section
is the following:
@timeit instrumentation of simulate!(..)
Column Section | Description |
simulate! | Time of simulate!(..) , but without log outputs. |
init! | Time of init!(..) , so model initialization. |
ODEProblem | Time of DifferentialEquations.ODEProblem(..) , so setup of problem. |
solve | Time of DifferentialEquations.solve(..) , so after init!(..) . |
getDerivatives! | Time of getDerivatives!(..) . |
LinearEquationsIteration | Time to build and solve linear equation systems inside getDerivatives!(..) |
luA ldiv! | Time to solve A*x=b with luA and ldiv! inside LinearEquationsIteration |
@timeit instrumentation of Modia3D
Column Section | Description |
Modia3D | Total time spent in Modia3D functions. |
Modia3D_0 initializeVisualization | Time to initialize visualization (during init!(..)). |
Modia3D_1 | Time of leq_mode == 0 (= compute h(q,qd,gravity)). |
Modia3D_1 computeKinematics! | Time to compute position, velocity, acceleration with qdd=0. |
Modia3D_1 selectContactPairsWithEvent! | Time to call selectContactPairsWithEvent! (collision handling). |
Modia3D_1 selectContactPairsNoEvent! | Time to call selectContactPairsNoEvent! (collision handling). |
Modia3D_1 getDistances! | Time to call getDistances! (collision handling). |
Modia3D_1 dealWithContacts! | Time to call dealWithContacts! (collision handling). |
Modia3D_1 computeForcesAndResiduals | Time to compute forces/torques/residuals (without collision). |
Modia3D_2 | Time of leq_mode > 0 (= compute M(q)*qdd, for unit vectors of qdd). |
Modia3D_2 computeKinematics! | Time to compute accelerations with qdd = unit vector. |
Modia3D_2 computeForcesAndResiduals | Time to compute forces/torques/residuals for M(q)*qdd. |
Modia3D_3 | Time of leq_mode == -1 . |
Modia3D_3 visualize! | Time of for obj in updateVisuElements ... visualize(..) . |
Modia3D_3 exportAnimation | Time of for obj in allVisuElements ... push!(objectData, dat) |
Modia3D_4 isTerminal | Time of exportAnimation and closeVisualization during termination. |
How to instrument with @timeit
Further functions in Modia3D can be instrumented in the following way:
The timer of TimerOutputs is available as instantiatedModel.timer
. Therefore, instrumenting a function call is done with:
TimerOutputs.@timeit instantiatedModel.timer "Modia3D XXX" functionCall(...)
TimerOutputs.@timeit instantiatedModel.timer "Modia3D XXX" begin