Contact Detection

This section is based on [1] with some minor improvements.

The following goals shall be achieved:

  1. Whenever two objects start to penetrate, an event shall be triggered in order that integration methods with step-size control are simulating efficiencly (at the start of the contact, contact forces and torques with non-zero values are typically introduced leading to strong discontinuous changes of the equations).
  2. When two objects start to penetrate, the normal contact velocity $\dot{\delta}^-$ needs to be stored, because used in the contact force law.
  3. Whenever two penetrating objects are not penetrating any more, again an event shall be triggered.

Modia3D uses DifferentialEquations.jl integrators to solve the equations. These integrators trigger an event when a zero crossing function crosses zero. Hereby, the option DifferentialEquations.SciMLBase.RightRootFind is used, that is, an event is triggered when the zero crossing function is either identical to zero or has an opposite sign. At an event restart it is required that the zero crossing functions are not identical to zero, since otherwise a zero crossing cannot be detected.

Zero crossing functions

The distance between two objects computed either in the narrow phase or in an approximate way in the broad phase (= distance between Axis Aligned Bounding Boxes) is called distanceOrg. If distanceOrg < 0, then the two objects are penetrating each other.

Modia3D uses the dictionary contactDict to keep track of the contact situation. Every pair of objects is identified by a unique Integer value called PairID that is used as key in conctactDict. A dictionary value is an instance of Modia3D.ContactPair

At an event instant (including initialization), dictionary contactDict is emptied and all object pairs are stored newly in contactDict that have distanceOrg <= 0, so are either touching or penetrating.

During continuous integration, two zero crossing functions are used:

  • $z_1(t)$: The maximum of distanceOrg $- 10^{-16}$ of all object pairs that are in contactDict. $z_1$ monitors if an object pair that has been in contact, looses contact. Since distanceOrg values in contactDict are in the order of $10^{-3} .. 10^{-6} ~m$ and eps(Float64) $\approx 10^{-16}$, a hysteresis epsilon must be larger as $10^{-19} .. 10^{-24}$. Actually, a hysteresis epsilon of $10^{-16}$ is used. Note, that in contactDict all distanceOrg values are zero or negative at event restart. It is therefore guaranteed that $z_1 \le - 10^{-16}$ at event restart (when no contact pair is present, a dummy value is used).
  • $z_2(t)$: The minimum distanceOrg of all object pairs that are not in contactDict. $z_2$ monitors if two objects that have not been in contact to each other and start to penetrate each other. At an event restart (including the start of the integration after the initialization), it is guaranteed that all distanceOrg not in contactDict are positive (otherwise, they would be in contactDict). Therefore, it is guaranteed that $z_2 > 0$ at event restart (without a hysteresis epsilon).

The distance between two objects is only computed up to a certain precision. Therefore, distanceOrg might be nearly zero but still positive, if two objects are placed initially in touching position. For this reason the actually used distance is distanceOrg - 1e-16, in order that the probability is larger that objects initially in touching position are treated to be in contact initially.

To summarize, the following equations are actually used:

distance = distanceOrg - 1e-16
contact  = isEvent ? distance <= 0 : <contact from previous event>
z[1]     = max(<distance that has contact=true>) - 1e-16
z[2]     = min(<distance that has contact=false>)

Typically, the simulate!(..., log=true, ...) produces the following output (here for a sphere boucing on ground):

 State event (zero-crossing) at time = 2.3924142776549155 s (due to z[2])
   distance(ground,sphere) = -3.815173674537923e-18 became <= 0
       contact normal = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], contact position = [0.0, -0.1, 0.0], c_res = 1.1e11 d_res = 47.5
   restart = Restart

State event (zero-crossing) at time = 2.3924413895015424 s (due to z[1])
   distance(ground,sphere) = 1.0362163563391329e-16 became > 0
   restart = Restart

Whenever the integrator requires the values of the zero crossing functions, the values of $z_1, z_2$ are newly computed. At all other time instants (e.g. communication points), only the distances of the object pairs are computed that are in dictionary contactDict, because these distances are used to compute the contact forces and torques. Distances of object pairs that are not in contact to each other are not computed at these time instants.

Whenever contact starts newly for an object pair, the normal contact velocity $\dot{\delta}^-$ needs to be stored, since needed from the elastic response calculation. When a contact pair was already in contact at an event, it is necessary to utilize $\dot{\delta}^-$ from the previous event also at the actual event. In order that these two requirements are fulfilled, a second dictionary lastContactDict is used: Once contactDict is constructed at an event, a copy is stored in lastContactDict. At the next event, a new contactDict is constructed. Whenever an object pair is included in contactDict that is also present in lastContactDict, then the normal contact velocity $\dot{\delta}^-$ stored in lastContactDict is utilized.

Note, in scene.options.contactDetection (file Modia3D/src/contactDetection/ContactDectionMPR_handler.jl) information about the contact situation is stored in an instance of Modia3D.ContactDetectionMPR_handler.

Collision handling types

ContactPair(contactPointA, contactPointB,
    contactNormal, objA, objB,
    distanceWithHysteresis, supportPointsDefined,
    support1A, support2A, support3A,
    support1B, support2B, support3B)

Generate a new ContactPair object of two objects that have contact = true.

handler = ContactDetectionMPR_handler(;tol_rel = 1e-7, niter_max=100)

Generate a new contact handler for usage of the MPR algorithm The handler instance contains all information about the contact situation.


  • tol_rel: Relative tolerance to compute the contact point (> 0.0)
  • niter_max: Maximum number of iterations of the MPR algorithm. If this number is reached, an error occurs (> 0).
