TinyModia Documentation

TinyModia is a minimalistic environment in form of a Julia package to model and simulate physical systems (electrical, mechanical, thermo-dynamical, etc.) described by differential and algebraic equations. A user defines a model on a high level with model components (like a mechanical body, an electrical resistance, or a pipe) that are physically connected together. A model component is constructed by "expression = expression" equations. The defined model is symbolically processed (for example, equations might be analytically differentiated) with algorithms from package ModiaBase.jl. From the transformed model a Julia function is generated that is used to simulate the model with integrators from DifferentialEquations.jl. The basic type of the floating point variables is usually Float64, but can be set to any type FloatType<:AbstractFloat via @instantiateModel(..., FloatType = xxx), for example it can be set to Float32, DoubleFloat, Measurement{Float64}, StaticParticles{Float64,100}.


The package is registered and is installed with (Julia >= 1.5 is required):

julia> ]add TinyModia

It is recommended to also add the following packages, in order that all tests and examples can be executed in your standard environment:

julia> ]add ModiaPlot, Unitful, DifferentialEquations, Measurements, MonteCarloMeasurements, Distributions

Release Notes

Version 0.7.1

  • Variable constructor Var(...) introduced. For example: v = input | Var(init = 1.2u"m"). For details see section A.1 Var constructor.
  • New arguments of function simulate!:
    • Parameter and init/start values can be changed with argument merge.
    • A simulation can be checked with argument requiredFinalStates.
    • Argument logParameters lists the parameter and init/start values used for the simulation.
    • Argument logStates lists the states, init, and nominal values used for the simulation.
  • end in array ranges is supported, for example v[2:end].
  • New (small) model library TinyModia/models/HeatTransfer.jl.

Version 0.7.0

  • Initial version, based on code developed for Modia 0.6 and ModiaMath 0.6.

Main developers